Start tracking your workflow history with ease

Read more about Aionic here

How does it work?

Aionic is a platform that allows you to track and manage your cluster configuration history and streamlines the recovery process if your cluster goes down due to a faulty configuration.

Architechure Diagram

Following the GitOps model that ArgoCD has already implemented, when the developer pushes their manifest changes to GitHub, ArgoCD will listen for the changes, pull down the new manifest, and update the relevant clusters with the new configurations.

Aionic will listen for the manifest updates through ArgoCD, saves the manifest to its respective cluster in the database, display the manifest history of the cluster to the user and allowing the user to revert back to an older version of the manifest by pushing an old saved manifest to its respective repository.

Getting Started


Go to our Github repository, read the ReadMe for detailed instructions and fork the repository here.

** Note: Our app requires your own MongoDB database and Github OAuth setup on Github. Follow steps 2-3 to setup up your MongoDB database and Github OAuth with Aionic. If the setup is already done, continue to step 4.**


Setup Github OAuth and save the client ID and secret. For more detailed instructions on the setup please click here.


Setup a MongoDB database and save the URI with an admin user and password. For more detailed instructions on the setup please click here.


Place the MongoDB URI, Github client ID and secret, and an admin ArgoCD token and URL into the environment in the docker-compose.yaml file. An admin ArgoCD token should have access to all clusters, so Aionic can update clusters and manifest in real time.


Start the app.


Login and authenicate using your Github account.


Input your personal ArgoCD Token and URL. A personal ArgoCD token should be individualize for access to certain privileges and clusters.


Start monitoring.

Meet Our Team!

Team Member

Nathan Lui

Team Member

Jian Cheng Lu

Team Member

Timothy Kwon

Team Member

Ari Bengiyat